Creating Your First Matter

A Matter is a collection of Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Notes, Documents and other elements used in your practice. The Matter is the central repository for elements relating to an action.

Matter Strategies

You should connect app elements using the Matter Hub Strategy.

  • Numbering: Matter numbers are assigned based on Matter date creation but should be changed to reflect actual court assigned case numbers or exterior matter numbers from other organizations for consistency and convenience.
  • Events: Events should be connected to Matters. Connecting Events to Matters allows quick lookup of Matter related Events and maintains a complete record of all Matter Events in a list.
  • Tasks: Tasks should be connected to Matters. Connecting Tasks to Matters creates a running record of all work done in a Matter. Incomplete Tasks are listed on the Group Tasks list and once they are completed, they are deleted from the system unless they are connected to a Matter. If a Task is connected to a Matter, the Task record is kept in the Matter so an accurate history of all work done in the Matter is saved.
  • Statutes of Limitations: Statutes of Limitations should be entered as Tasks and not Events. Entering SOLS as Tasks instead of Calendar Events allows for better tracking of limitation dates. Multiple Tasks can be entered in the runup to the limitation date as warnings of future action needed in a Matter, for example "10 day review for SOL".

GOMATTERS is web based law practice management software that keeps your law firm more organzied and efficient. Our web based law practice management tools designed by lawyers, for lawyers are avaiable on both desktop and mobile devices. Our next generation legal software connects your office and clients, simplifes your practice and secures your law office data in a powerful, intutive application for legal professionals.