Connecting App Elements

App elements like Calendars and Tasks are great apps on their own. But to make the most of GOMATTERS, use the Matter as a hub to connect app elements.

Think of the way your practice works. Breaking it down to the simplest form, you have individual elements used to conduct your practice, for example calendar events and todos. Maybe your calendar has a few court dates and appointments for the day. You probably have a todos list for the day as well. If you use a calendar app that is separate from your todos app to manage elements, your day if filled with switching back and forth through those different apps. Add more elements like documents and notes and you can see how quickly the disorganization escalates across multiple applications. This is where traditional productvity apps fail optimal organization strategies because of the shear number of apps needed to manage a law practice.

Matter Hub Strategy

The GOMATTERS Matter Hub Strategy boost efficiency across your practice by making it easier to view specific Matter related elements quickly.

For a more organized approach to managing your practice, think about elements like calendar events and todos as connections to the case you are working on. The Matter connects all app elements for a more organized approach. Instead of placing an event in a separate calendar app, GOMATTERS allows you to connect the Event to a Matter. By connecting app elements to Matters, your software works more like your real world practice.

Let's look at another real world example using documents. Imagine working on a hard file in your office and you need to view a document. Do you go to a separate file cabinet in your office that contains all of your documents and sort through that file cabinet for the document you need? Of course not, but that is what you are doing if you use a separate documents app or documents folder on a shared office server to store your documents. The GOMATTERS Matter Hub Strategy allows for better organization and efficiency by connecting the Document or other app element directly to the Matter.

Your real world file is a store for your real world documents, contacts, events, notes and other app elements. It is the hub for all elements needed to conduct the case properly. Your software should work the same way. Using the GOMATTERS Matter Hub Strategy to connect your practice elements to the Matter will make your practice more efficient, productive and profitable.


GOMATTERS is web based law practice management software that keeps your law firm more organzied and efficient. Our web based law practice management tools designed by lawyers, for lawyers are avaiable on both desktop and mobile devices. Our next generation legal software connects your office and clients, simplifes your practice and secures your law office data in a powerful, intutive application for legal professionals.